IMMUNE BOOSTING AND INFORMATIVE TIPS FOR YOU & YOUR FAMILYWe know how stressful and chaotic this time is currently for so many people due to the recent, rapid developments with the Coronavirus.

Although our physical office will be closed until April 13th at this point as safety precaution, we want to help each of you stay safe and healthy during the coming weeks.
That is why we have put together the following guide below for top immune boosting and protecting tips for you and your families to consider that are available either via Fullscript, your grocery store, or local health food store to help you stay well.  Additionally, all products on Fullscript are additionally discounted during the next month to help you stock up with less financial stress.
We will also be doing phone teleconsults for those in need of more specific guidance and/or to continue their work on their existing health issues in the coming weeks.  
TOP IMMUNE BOOSTING AND SUPPORTIVE FOODS AT YOUR GROCERY STORE:In 1918, when the great flu pandemic was sweeping the globe, one of the foods that protected MILLIONS of people from dying was fermented dairy.  In certain Eastern European countries such as Bulgaria, where fermented yogurt and kefir was and is commonly consumed, a considerably smaller percentage of people succumbed to the flu.
1. FERMENTED FOODS: Consider stocking up on preferably raw, organic kefir and yogurt with live cultures as high as you can obtain and consuming several servings daily if you are not dairy intolerant.
Additionally, sauerkraut, kimchi, and other fermented veggies can be a wonderful way to get a strong dose of these immune building probiotics
2. MANUKA HONEY: Manuka honey is a known immune aid and antimicrobial food.  Several tsp daily consumed in elderberry or Rosehips tea is a wonderful immune tonicbeverage
3. ORGANIC CHICKEN BROTH AND BONE BROTH: both these broths are naturally rich in glutamine, which boosts natural killer cell function, one of the most important immune cell fighters.  Consider several cups daily. You can add veggies and organic seasonings for extra support and nutrition!
4. VITAMIN C rich foods.  Stick to WHOLE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, not the juices, which are too high in sugar.  Notably, a number of other fruits and veggies are higher per serving than the well known oranges for vitamin C, including strawberries, peppers, and tomatoes. Kiwi, grapefruit,  and pineapple are also good sources.
5. CABBAGE JUICE:  Also very rich in glutamine.  Easiest to make your own in a juicer taking a half head of organic cabbage and juicing.  Consider several cups daily. Can be mixed with cucumber, watermelon juice, etc. to lessen ‘the bite’ of taste.

1. Cordyceps, Reishi, Chaga, and Maitake mushrooms.  Many mushrooms are powerful immune boosters.
IMMUNE SHINE (Gaia herbs) is one of my favorites as it combines multiple mushrooms with the powerful Elderberry and Astragalus in one simple formula added to beverages.  
Mycophyto Complex is also another wonderful choice, available on Fullscript.
Consider several servings daily.

For those with autoimmune conditions however, you may need to exercise caution in aggressively dosing. Vitamin D, Colostrum and Probiotics as listed below are safer choices in such cases.
2. D3/K2:  Adequate vitamin D levels are required to mount a robust immune response.  Consider increasing your daily dosing preferably with K2 to between 5000-10000IU daily for the next four weeks for added protection
3. THYMUS GLANDULAR EXTRACT: The thymus gland, behind your sternum, is responsible for helping to produce & mature key white blood cells for fighting infections.  Consider one cap twice daily to help this organ.
4. High dose and high strain count Probiotics:  Dosing 50-100 billion daily of a 6 to 10 strain probiotic is an excellent way to safely boost and support immunity.    Theralac Pro is a trusted and great example of such.
5. Colostrum: found in mother’s milk, this potent immune tonic helps to boost immunosurveillance in the body.  Consider the Allergy Research brand or Sovereign Colostrum.
6. Elderberry: This continues to go in and out of stock due to demand, but it is an excellent herb for immune support and lung health
7. For those with coughing already consider the following potential herbs: Mullein, Thyme, Plantago, Wild Cherry, and Slippery Elm.   You may wish to reach out to our office for more specific dosing guidance as appropriate.
ADDITIONAL TIPSAs much as feasible, minimize sugar consumption (which suppresses immune function), get at least 7.5 hours of sleep nightly, and continue to work on reducing stress.  All of these are valuable practices in preserving and boosting immunity, while you practice advised social distancing practices.

Any questions please contact us at 954-626-6446 or 954-616-8150 for further support, etc.   At this time, all of these products are currently available, but this is rapidly changing due to demand.
We wish you all safety, health, and good fortune in this challenging time!