Tick-Borne Illness

Lyme Disease

Background Information and Treatment Overview Perspective

Lyme disease, contrary to what is often taught in traditional medical schooling, indeed can be a long-term illness with often devastating consequences especially if left untreated. Primarily transmitted via deer ticks but also via certain mosquitoes, flies, and even through sexual intercourse, lyme disease can affect certain individuals much more severely than others. This depends on a number of factors including health before getting infected, genetic factors, when it is diagnosed and treated, the diet, toxin and heavy metal exposure, and more.

Why is it so hard to treat?
Part of the reason why lyme is often so difficult to treat is that not only is an individual dealing with an infection (or often times multiple in the case of coinfections), but the lyme spirochetes (i.e. tiny bacteria) produce potent toxins, which are able to penetrates  cell membranes and move through the body via the blood, lymph, extracellular fluid and more. Thus there is literally ‘nowhere’ that is safe from their potential intrusion. Moreover, like all living things, they want to stay alive. So, especially with more time, they typically ‘burrow’ deep into areas where it is difficult for the immune system to find and destroy them, such as old injury sites filled with scar tissue, joints, and the central nervous system.

To make matters worse, they are able to shift ‘forms’ depending on the environment in which they are exposed to. In other words, they can essentially stay ‘dormant’ if one’s immune system is strong and healthy and conditions are not optimal for their reproduction. However they can ‘unfurl’ and become active and start reproducing if internal conditions change. They can also build ‘biofilms’ inside the body which are kind of like little lattices or cobwebs in which they can hide, hang out in, and largely avoid the immune system surveillance again.

Better Health is Our Mission

24/7 service || by appointment only

Office number

954 616 8150


The Wellness Oasis
1189 Sw 26th Ave, Ft Lauderdale, Fl 33312




(Twin Cities area): Transformational Therapy Services Clinic
8060 State Highway 55, Suite 100, PO Box 73, Rockford, MN 55373




Newbridge Health & Wellness
7101 York Ave S #130,
Edina, MN 55435

FLORIDA RESIDENTS PLEASE TAKE NOTE: As Florida has not issued licenses to NDs since 1959, Eric Wood, ND, is not a licensed ND in Florida. He is a licensed naturopathic physician in the jurisdiction of Washington D.C. & Minnesota. Given his educational training and experience, he works as a registered naturopathic doctor in his Minnesota clinic and a natural health consultant to Florida based clients.