
Cancer Care
Even though the US has been ‘waging a war’ on cancer ever since 1971 since Richard Nixon announced such, as a nation we have been mired in rather dismal and mediocre at best statistics when it comes to cancer incidence and survival. In fact, the percentage of individuals who will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives is now over 40% on average. This is quite astounding, given that an estimate 96% of all cancers are NOT genetically linked or inherited. So what does this mean? Well at the very least it means there is much room for improvement in not only how we understand cancer but also in how we aim to prevent it. It also suggests that lifestyle plays a MAJOR role in our likely incidence and thus lifestyle medicine should also arguably be a MAJOR part of treatment.

Unfortunately, traditional approaches to treating cancers have changed little in the last 40-50 years. While advances undoubtedly have been made with new surgical techniques, more sophisticated means of delivering chemo and radiation, and so forth, chemo, radiation and surgery still overwhelmingly form the backbone of conventional treatment. 

While there is a much needed place for all of these therapies, due to monetary and political pressures, many nutritional, supplement, and other ‘alternative’ therapies such as hyperthermia, mistletoe, intravenous vitamin C, the Dr Kelley Enzymatic Nutritional Therapy Program, GcMAF, and many others have not been typically incorporated into typical treatment. Other countries have surpassed us in incorporating and utilizing such therapies as more standard aspects of cancer care such as Germany, Switzerland, and Japan.

Moreover, advanced types of testing for both monitoring, screening, and assessing effectiveness of potential therapies exist already that are not traditionally used either for the majority of cancer clients, leaving many with a protocol that is largely destructive, non-nutritive, and rather funnel-visioned when it could be much more well-rounded, specific, and supportive. Also, examining risk factors such as prior toxin exposure, hormone imbalances, sleep disturbances, dietary habits, dental issues, and more are rarely discussed in traditional oncology centers, yet a plethora of studies already illustrate their direct relevance and importance in not only influencing risk factors but also when it comes to clinical improvement and survival statistics!

Here at Visionary Health we strong believe firmly in drawing from all veins of medicine as appropriate and work to integrate more holistic and ‘alternative’ approaches with oncology clients’ conventional treatment plans as well as discuss options for alternative, primary treatment approaches when feasible and appropriate.

Call us today to discuss how we may be able to help you and help you decide what is best in your or your loved one’s cancer situation!

Better Health is Our Mission

24/7 service || by appointment only

Office number

954 616 8150


The Wellness Oasis
1189 Sw 26th Ave, Ft Lauderdale, Fl 33312




(Twin Cities area): Transformational Therapy Services Clinic
8060 State Highway 55, Suite 100, PO Box 73, Rockford, MN 55373




Newbridge Health & Wellness
7101 York Ave S #130,
Edina, MN 55435

FLORIDA RESIDENTS PLEASE TAKE NOTE: As Florida has not issued licenses to NDs since 1959, Eric Wood, ND, is not a licensed ND in Florida. He is a licensed naturopathic physician in the jurisdiction of Washington D.C. & Minnesota. Given his educational training and experience, he works as a registered naturopathic doctor in his Minnesota clinic and a natural health consultant to Florida based clients.