What is
Naturopathic Medicine
The therapeutic modalities used in naturopathic medicine (including physical manipulation, clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathy and hydrotherapy) integrate conventional, scientific and empirical methodology with the ancient laws of nature. The underpinnings of naturopathic medical practice are in six principles (see a more detailed description):
- First Do No Harm –primum non nocere
- The Healing Power of Nature –vis medicatrix naturae
- Discover and Treat the Cause, Not Just the Effect –tolle causam
- Treat the Whole Person –tolle totum
- The Physician is a Teacher –docere
- Prevention is the best “cure” –praevenire
What type of training do naturopathic doctors receive?
Naturopathic doctors (NDs) are primary care physicians who have attended a four-year naturopathic medical school, are clinically trained, and work in all aspects of family health — from pediatric to geriatric care. (See a list of the states, provinces and territories that license NDs).
Most NDs provide primary care through office-based private practice. Many receive additional training in areas such as midwifery and acupuncture and Oriental medicine. Because NDs view natural remedies as complementary as well as primary, they cooperate with other medical professionals, referring clients to (and receiving clients from) conventional medical doctors, surgeons and other specialists when appropriate.
How is naturopathic medicine similar to, and different from, conventional medicine?
Educated in all of the same basic sciences as a medical doctor (MD), a naturopathic doctor uses the Western medical sciences as a foundation for diagnosis and treatment. Just like MDs, naturopathic physicians must pass rigorous professional board exams before they can be licensed by a state or jurisdiction. And, for at least the final two years of the medical program, naturopathic medical students intern in clinical settings under the close supervision of licensed professionals.
NDs, however, also study holistic approaches to therapy with a strong emphasis on disease prevention and optimizing wellness. In addition to a standard medical curriculum, NDs are trained in clinical nutrition, homeopathic medicine, botanical medicine, psychology, physical medicine and counseling. Another distinguishing feature is the treatment philosophy: Naturopathic doctors see the physician as someone who facilitates healing by identifying and removing barriers to health.
Because MDs are much more common than NDs, (as of 02/2013 there are about 975,000 MDs and about 2,000 NDs) I believe the best way to explain how thoroughly NDs are trained is to compare their training to MD training.

Residencies, Licensure, and Practical and Board Exams for MDs & NDs
Both MDs and NDs have to sit for multiple rounds of board exams after typically 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years to be able to practice their respective medicine in an unrestricted capacity in a licensing jurisdiction (such as a state or province). NDs, after successful completion of all course work, can then apply for a naturopathic medical license. MDs must complete a residency and take additional exams before they are eligible for licensure. Few residencies exist for NDs to complete although they have begun growing as naturopathic medicine gains in visibility and demand across the country. However, much of 4th year in naturopathic medical school incorporates multiple ‘rounds’ of clinical duties, which in turn, serves as a sort of naturopathic medical school residency and experiential training, note.
Support Naturopathic Medical licensure in Florida by visiting the Florida Naturopathic Physician’s site at www.fnpa.org today.
Better Health is Our Mission
24/7 service || by appointment only
Office number
The Wellness Oasis
1189 Sw 26th Ave, Ft Lauderdale, Fl 33312
(Twin Cities area): Transformational Therapy Services Clinic
8060 State Highway 55, Suite 100, PO Box 73, Rockford, MN 55373
Newbridge Health & Wellness
7101 York Ave S #130,
Edina, MN 55435
FLORIDA RESIDENTS PLEASE TAKE NOTE: As Florida has not issued licenses to NDs since 1959, Eric Wood, ND, is not a licensed ND in Florida. He is a licensed naturopathic physician in the jurisdiction of Washington D.C. & Minnesota. Given his educational training and experience, he works as a registered naturopathic doctor in his Minnesota clinic and a natural health consultant to Florida based clients.