FAQ & Resources for Naturopathic Medicine
Are holistic/naturopathic types of consults covered by insurance?
This depends on the state your are in. In Minnesota, we contract with Aetna and Optum/UnitedHealthcare. In Florida, since there is no licensure for naturopathic physicians, this is largely no. Thus depending on where you are located, this can vary considerably. The best bet is to check with your insurance company and see what your options are. Alternatives to traditional health insurance such as Health Coops typically offer more flexibility for and reimbursement for holistic healthcare. Additionally, Flex Spending and Health Savings accounts may reimburse more readily for our kind of care.
Do you work with conventional MDs and conventional medical treatments?
Is there evidence for natural therapies, vitamins, Chinese Medicine, etc.?
How are naturopathic doctors educated?
I’ve never heard of a naturopathic doctor before. Why is that?
Well largely, that is probably because there are so few naturopathic physicians in practice comparative to MDs. While there are nearly one million MDs as of 2013 stats, there are merely a little over 2,000 NDs scattered across the entire country. So, that is probably a big part of it. Also, the traditional healthcare system is built around allopathic care, so naturopathic care in most states is excluded from insurance reimbursement. However that has begun changing as more and more states and provinces are licensed across North America with some states such as Vermont and Washington offering considerable insurance reimbursement and more private health insurance plans also provided limited coverage to employees, etc. in more diverse locations. For more information about supporting Florida coverage and licensure for NDs, see: Support Licensure for Naturopathic Doctors in Florida.
What is typically involved in a first visit?
Because holistic medicine types of consults dig deep into your medical history, your current concerns, what is currently going on in your life, all the meds and supplements you have been using, etc., past traumas, and even your dental health (yes this impacts the rest of your more than you may know!), this typically necessitates that a first visit will be considerably longer than your traditional doctors’ appointments that you are likely used to. Thus first consults typically last 75-120 minutes, depending on the complexity of the case presented.
Can Naturopathic doctors order labs or prescribe medicines?
While naturopaths are trained to be able to do so, this depends on the jurisdiction in which he or she works. In some states such as Arizona, naturopathic doctors enjoy a broad scope of practice involving minor surgery, the majority of pharmaceuticals, all natural medicines, IV therapies, and more. In Minnesota, Dr Wood can order labs for individuals and works with other providers for prescriptions when and if necessary. In Florida, Dr. Wood cannot prescribe or order labs directly for Florida based clients. However, he will discuss options for you to pursue these through your primary care doctor or another area provider that is willing to work with you. Also, many times more routine labs are available for purchase directly by the consumer by companies such as Life Extension, AnyLabTestNow, or Direct Labs. Thus one way or another, you can get what you need ordered!
Are natural therapies safe?
What is homeopathic medicine?
What modalities do you offer?
- Clinical Nutrition
- Homeopathic medicine
- Botanical Medicine
- Nutraceuticals (Vitamins, Minerals, and other supplements)
- Chinese Medicine
- Specialized Lab Testing including Mold/biotoxin testing, Lyme, neurotransmitter, nutritional testing, chemosensitivity, genetic testing, cancer natural agents, and more
How often do I need to have followup appointments?
Client Resources
Recommend Applications

What’s On My Food
Pesticide Action Network’s new iPhone app puts these answers at your fingertips. Get the facts. Keep your family healthy.

Non-GMO Project Shopping Guide

Find Real Food
Save time and money and improve your health by using this guide, created by nutrition experts who researched which products and brands are best. Each category of food must uphold specific quality standards in order to qualify for the guide.
Environmental Working Group – Skin Deep Database
The Environmental Working Group is a non-profit dedicated to informing and protecting consumer’s from such hazards by evaluating common marketplace cosmetics and goods and suggesting ‘cleaner’ options for you to consider for your own, family or friends’ use. Please use this site as a free resource and check out their app for your smartphone for when you’re out shopping to keep you and your loved ones safer! And also check out their larger site, www.ewg.org, for important information on organic vs. conventional food information, cleaning products, GMOs, and more!
Better Health is Our Mission
24/7 service || by appointment only
Office number
The Wellness Oasis
1189 Sw 26th Ave, Ft Lauderdale, Fl 33312
(Twin Cities area): Transformational Therapy Services Clinic
8060 State Highway 55, Suite 100, PO Box 73, Rockford, MN 55373
Newbridge Health & Wellness
7101 York Ave S #130,
Edina, MN 55435
FLORIDA RESIDENTS PLEASE TAKE NOTE: As Florida has not issued licenses to NDs since 1959, Eric Wood, ND, is not a licensed ND in Florida. He is a licensed naturopathic physician in the jurisdiction of Washington D.C. & Minnesota. Given his educational training and experience, he works as a registered naturopathic doctor in his Minnesota clinic and a natural health consultant to Florida based clients.