A Toxic Brew We Live In Toxicity Testing and Detoxification

Recently, I’ve come to the startling conclusion having tested a considerable number of clients with a myriad of health issues as well as facilitating the testing of family members and MYSELF that every single one of us has heavy metal toxicity issues!  Every single one–ranging in age from early twenties to nearly 70!  I guess one could say this isn’t that surprising, considering that recent studies have illustrated newborn babies are born on average with nearly 300 circulating known toxins in their bloodstream, many known carcinogens.

However, many of these individuals I reference have no history of smoking, have lived ‘extremely clean lives’ for many years if not decades and in general, have had no even minor risk factors to suggest they’d have exposure.

The simple conclusion is that we simply cannot avoid many toxins today as our entire ecosystem and environment surrounding us is poisoned–air, waters, the food chain, etc., even if we are living so-called ‘green’ and ‘clean.’

Thus the need for regular toxicity testing and detoxification regimens has perhaps never been more important than before.  Client results have revealed disturbing levels of not only more ubiquitously recognized toxins such as aluminum and mercury, routinely found in old dental amalgams, aluminum foil, conventional deodorants, but also more disturbing and seemingly ‘rare’ but apparently not so rare toxins like cesium, thallium (i.e. the ‘poisoners choice of poison’), arsenic, gadolinium, and more.

Thankfully there are concrete, scientifically validated ways to get these poisons out that don’t have to be dangerous or damaging in the process of detoxifying that are powerful yet gentle that I’ve seen wonderful results with in followup testing with individuals.  While prescriptive ‘chelators’ are available out there, many carry considerable drawbacks and should be used carefully at minimum, if not avoided due to the considerable side-effects they may instigate (such as EDTA, DMPS, etc.).

Here at Visionary Health, we believe strongly in first doing no harm and secondly, getting to the ROOT of a problem, not just treating the symptom(s).  If you or someone you know is suffering with a chronic illness and you suspect there could be a toxic connection, or you are just very proactive about your health (which I HIGHLY encourage given how toxic everyone truly seems to be nowadays), give us a call on how we can help you uncover and address these latent, toxic and noxious issues.  It truly could change your life as you know it!

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The Wellness Oasis

1189 SW 26th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312