About Dr Eric Wood, ND

Dr Eric Wood, ND is a District of Columbia-licensed (Washington D.C.) naturopathic doctor, a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and a member of the Florida Association of Naturopathic Physicians. He focuses in a holistic way towards general practice with expertise especially in some aspects of integrative oncology, biotoxin illnesses (i.e. mold and tick-borne illnesses) & environmental medicine/toxicity, and children’s wellness & preventive health care and the typical adrenal, digestive, fatigue and hormonal issues that arise from such (and that are rampant in the general population as well).

Increasingly, his practice is focusing on the mental/emotional and trauma components of chronic illness, drawing upon his early work and training with Neuroscience Inc., his course of study at Harvard in Mind Body Medicine, current training created by Dr Bessel van der Kolk on the biology of trauma and his interest in energy medicine.  Since becoming a father in 2019, he has also taken a greater interest in children’s wellness, seeing many shortcomings in the conventional pediatric model.

Previously, Wood completed a ILADs fellowship in 2009 in tick-borne illnesses with notable lyme experts Dr Richard Horowitz, Dr Quincai Zhang, and Dr Bernard Raxlen, and is currently completing a year-long fellowship with EMEI for Environmental Medicine (www.emeiglobal.com). He has also observed and volunteered at some of the most notable integrative cancer clinics in North America including the Issels Clinic (California), Medicor (Canada), and the Cancer Treatment Centers of America (Chicago) while completing naturopathic medical school.

He additionally completed specialized training at Harvard University’s Benson Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine in 2007, completed specialty rotations in HIV/AIDS naturopathic care through the Sherbourne Health Center and the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (2008) and through Georgetown University’s Food as Medicine Training program in 2014. He has additionally pursued advanced training in European Homotoxicology & Biotherapeutic Drainage, Environmental Medicine through the American Academy of Environmental Medicine and EHS, and Mistletoe Therapy through PAAM.

To gain valuable knowledge and unique experience early on his career, Dr Wood garnered opportunities to work with some of the most notable supplement and medical organizations in the country including Neuroscience Inc. and the Life Extension Foundation. For these two pioneering outfits, he worked as a naturopathic doctor specialist in the areas of adrenal fatigue/stress-related complaints, and anti-aging, oncology and tick-borne illnesses respectively, consulting with clinics and patients globally. Throughout his tenure with the Life Extension Foundation, he worked closely with the notable International Strategic Cancer Alliance and counseled literally thousands of clients globally, discussing traditional, integrative and alternative medicine treatment options, supplement and dietary regimens, medication/supplement interactions and much more.   Since that time, he founded his own health consulting business (i.e Visionary Health), served as Medical Director for Beyond Biology (Florida) and now Actib Health (www.actibhealth.com), and has transitioned into private practice so he can work more extensively one-on-one with clients via Visionary Health.

He is Associate Professor of Holistic Nutrition at the American College of Health Sciences (www.achs.edu) and is Professor of Integrative and Functional Medicine at John Patrick University of Health and Applied Sciences in South Bend, Indiana (www.jpu.edu).

Being very interested in public health and spreading the message of wellness and health, Dr Wood has also pursued medical writing to reach a wider audience. A now highly skilled and respected medical writer, Dr Wood has been featured as a collaborator & contributor for a vast array of clients and publications. He has contributed to numerous other healthcare and general publications, websites, providers and clinics’ offerings and writings nationally and internationally, written for international wellness initiatives in Australia, medical databases for physicians, supplement companies, The Sage Encyclopedia of Cancer and Society, Ben’s Natural Health, KissMyKeto, Physician’s Choice, Natural Fertility Prescriptions, and more.

An internationally experienced speaker and lecturer, he is the author of Scientific Fat Loss, Longevity Secrets (Primal Labs–Texas), co-author of The Ultimate Candida Diet, and the book The Adrenal Fatigue Solution.  He was medical reviewer for the holistic dermatology publication ‘Below the Glow’ for Anirva (www.anirva.com) and is currently working on a hardcover version of such also. Several additional books are currently in development in cancer and pediatrics.

As an emerging, nationally recognized naturopathic medical expert, he has appeared across North American on various FOX, NBC, ABC, and CW television network stations and is a featured interviewee in the new international documentary ‘Food, Health, and You’, which premiered on CTV channel 4 in New Zealand.

Dr Wood works with clients locally in Florida and beyond via phone and video conferencing. As mentioned, he is a member of the Florida Association of Naturopathic Physicians, on the Medical Advisory Board of Primal Labs, Lupavita Inc., PureHealth Research, Physician’s Choice, and Anirva and has a multitude of ongoing collaborations with other leaders in the integrative and holistic health industry such as NuShape, NutraBlast, Artificial Intelligence, and more.

He is an avid musician in the South Florida region, singing with the Miami Lyric Opera and more. Please see: www.drericwoodnd.com and for more information.

Better Health is Our Mission

24/7 service || by appointment only

Office number

954 616 8150


The Wellness Oasis
1189 Sw 26th Ave, Ft Lauderdale, Fl 33312




(Twin Cities area): Transformational Therapy Services Clinic
8060 State Highway 55, Suite 100, PO Box 73
Rockford, MN 55373

FLORIDA RESIDENTS PLEASE TAKE NOTE: As Florida has not issued licenses to NDs since 1959, Eric Wood, ND, is not a licensed ND in Florida. He is a licensed naturopathic physician in the jurisdiction of Washington D.C. & Minnesota. Given his educational training and experience, he works as a registered naturopathic doctor in his Minnesota clinic and a natural health consultant to Florida based clients.